peel structure

point: let's be friends! (if u want) (no pressure)

elaboration: i understand it's weird to suddenly dive into an exclusive rs with someone u barely know for more than a week. i probably made an underwhelming physical impression too when we met that day:c i'm not the best at socialising, which must've made it exhausting for u to keep trying to carry the conversation, sorry!!! i'll make a better attempt next time (again, only if u want to). also take ur time with healing from ur previous rs, there's no need to rush

evidence: i didn't expect u to cease all communication with me immediately, it was legit complete radio silence, which made me a bit sad, i genuinely missed sharing ig reels with u! i'm not trying to guilt-trip u into doing it if u don't want to haha. of course, i get that u may find the maturity gap between us a bit too wide, which is definitely an indisputable fact! i haven't suffered storms as turbulent as u have and can't relate with u on many things because of my inexperience.

link: i enjoy ur company and i hope we can get along as friends!:3 alternatively, we can maintain a solely professional rs if u just want to stick to being my tutor (if ure still even interested oops, u can change ur mind)